Second-hand shopping is an alluring option for many of us. Most of us think of cars, gadgets, kitchen appliances, and other equipment when we think of second-hand shopping. But do you know you can shop for second-hand shoes in bulk?

Don’t be surprised because there’s a huge used shoe wholesale market out there, catering to people’s need for comfortable and stylish footwear. In fact, there are many consignment stores across the country where buying second-hand shoes in bulk is a thriving trend. It’s not unusual to see footwear being the highest-selling category in these thrift markets.
There’s no doubt that we need shoes all round the year, either for sports, personal styling, or for only wearing at home. But before heading to any used shoes wholesale market, many of us think twice before “putting ourselves in somebody else’s shoes and walking a mile.” Most of us think about the health risks associated with wearing somebody else’s shoes.
But, in reality, fashion and health experts believe that buying second-hand shoes in bulk is a good idea for a variety of reasons. The best part: they say the health risks associated with wearing somebody else’s shoes are low. However, those who have compromised immunity should be careful because they have a lowered ability to fight certain infections.

Why should you buy used shoes?

Nonetheless, below are a few reasons why buying shoes from a second-hand store isn’t as gross as people think:


It’s true that most people, especially the fashionistas out there, love to splurge on new shoes. But why pay so many dollars extra if you can find the same (or at least a similar pair) for a much cheaper rate? Compared to brand-new shoes, used shoes are much cheaper. Also, buying second-hand shoes in bulk turns out even more economical while shopping in a used shoes wholesale market.
In most cases, used shoes cost only about ten percent of the cost of new ones. Some people often invest in a new pair of shoes, only to realize they don’t fit them well. Such shoes stay in their closet with little or no wear at all. When they put those pairs for sale, you get something that’s in good condition, and that also for a reasonable price!

2.Better quality

The footwear market is deluged with replica or fake products. While those shoes are brand new, there are little chances of them lasting you long. Replica Shoes are seen to last maybe three to four wears, after which the sole erodes, or linings start to fray. There’s absolutely no point in buying such new shoes that hardly serve their purpose.
So, the next best alternative is used shoes. While these second-hand shoes may have minor defects here and there, you are sure to get better quality than those replica shoes. Moreover, these shoes are made of genuine materials (very unlike the fake ones). These shoes will last you long and also come in a huge variety. Wearing them will make you stand out from the crowd for sure.

3.Eco-friendly alternative

There’s no doubt that brands are working towards reducing carbon emissions and using eco-friendly materials to produce shoes. But recycling used shoes will always have definite perks for the environment. The world generates billions of shoes and garments every year and discards even a higher amount of it. That’s something that’s ruining our environmental sustainability irreparably.
So, buying used shoes in bulk from a second-hand store is like doing your bit to save the environment. These shoes, if left unsold, will land up in a landfill and pollute the environment. So why not invest some money in them and save Mother Nature from some damaging effects of our lifestyle?

What to consider while buying and wearing used shoes?

The above are some of the reasons why you should consider visiting used shoes wholesale markets the next time you want footwear. But make sure you keep the following factors in mind while buying used shoes:

1.Consider your health’s safety

While experts say that health risks of wearing second-hand shoes are low, you should keep your immunity in mind. Make sure the shoes your buy are adequately cleaned so that you don’t face any complications like fungal growth, athlete’s foot, and plantar warts.

2.Check the fit

The structure and shape of the foot that once occupied used shoes can change the fit of it, often stretching the material of the upper part. This is seen in leather shoes, heels, and pumps. Such ill-fitting shoes can cause muscle pain and injuries. Rubbing against certain areas can also arise due to improper shoe width. So make sure you walk around a little in the store after wearing them to know if they fit you well or not.

3.Check for breakdown signs

You should avoid shoe styles that are worn out on the sole. Thinning on the sole of flat styles (seen in sneakers) or uneven heel patterns (seen in dress shoes) can cause enormous pressure on the ball of the foot. Such shoes are more painful to wear. So try staying away from them.
Are you looking to buy second-hand shoes in bulk? You can approach Samiyatex. The company is in the business of grading shoes since 1992. We at Samiyatex fumigate every single shoe container that we export, so there are no health risks with our used shoes. We also wash a good portion of used shoes, in high powered, industrial washing machines. We are one of the few exporters that do this, so you’re extremely in safe hands with Samiyatex.