Everyone loves to buy a pair of shoes for different occasions and to match with various outfits. No matter which brand of shoes you buy, there is a time when your slippers or sneakers get damaged. Or, you may no longer be interested in wearing old or used shoes as they are no longer in trend. 

So, what to do with old shoes? This is the question that everyone faces when thinking of clearing the closet with used shoes and planning to buy a new pair of sandals. Here, you can get the best answer to this question to promote sustainability!

What is the impact of used shoe waste on the environment? 

Used shoes themselves cause no harm to the environment, but factories that make shoes cause air and water pollution in many ways. It is estimated that about 13.60 kilograms of CO emissions get released into the environment during the manufacturing of shoes. It is due to the release of chemicals used in glues, rubbers, plastic, and leather. This not only causes air pollution but also pollutes water bodies with microplastics. 

In addition, discarded used shoes can end up in landfills, which leach chemicals into soil and groundwater. Also, the dye released from used shoes releases harmful chemicals like polyurethane. Therefore, discarding old shoes is not at all a good option. It is better to find a sustainable solution for used shoes. 

Embrace sustainable practices for used shoes

Here are some of the best sustainable practices for used shoes. 

  • Donate used shoes

Many people cannot afford to buy slippers, heels, sandals, or any other type of shoe. So, donating old shoes is one of the best solutions when you’re trying to figure out what to do with used shoes. But before donating, check the shoes carefully for any missing soles and damaged material. Make sure you donate shoes in good condition. Also, clean them up before giving them to someone else or donating to organizations. 

  • Put old shoes in the recycle bin 

Do you have an old pair of damaged shoes that are no longer in use? If yes, then you can recycle them to save the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. Put your old shoes in the recycle bin available near you. Councils often don’t collect old textiles and shoes from door to door, so you have to find a recycling bin near your place to put shoes in them for ethical recycling. 

  • Swap with friends

Have you worn some shoes many times and they are still in good shape, but you don’t want them anymore? What about swapping with friends for a change? Well, this is a great way to make used shoes useful while giving a change to your feet. You can plan a swap of shoes with a friend sharing similar foot sizes and interests. 

Tell people to bring their running shoes, boots, dress shoes, flats, etc., and fix a meeting point. You should also bring your old pair of shoes to give others a fair chance to select and swap. You’ll have an amazing feeling of trying on some trending purchases without spending a penny. 

  • Upcycle used shoes

Upcycling old shoes is another great way to use them. If you love to revamp things, give your old sneakers a creative touch to make them something new again. Or, if used shoes are fully damaged and can’t be repaired, then you can convert them into a creative decorative piece for your home. Simply fill leather shoes with sand to turn them into a beautiful door stopper or attractive tree boots. 

  • Shoe repair and restoration

Do you have a pair of worn-out shoes that can be repaired to use again? If yes, then you can save your money by repairing old shoes to wear them for the coming few years. It is an eco-friendly way to use old shoes for better. In a throwaway culture, people often discard the shoes at first sign of wear and tear. But it can cause environmental pollution. 

Instead of buying a new one, find an expert craftsman who can repair or restore broken heels or worn-out soles at a minimum price. Most craftsmen use eco-friendly materials for second-hand shoes repair, making the process even more environmentally friendly. 


In conclusion, it is important to embrace sustainable practices for used shoes. By reducing waste, recycling materials, or donating pairs to those in need, you can contribute to a greener future. This not only helps reduce harmful waste but also helps the needy to enjoy a good pair of shoes at no cost. Moreover, second-hand shoes promote sustainability, which is the need for time that not only saves the environment but also a lot of money. So, always make conscious choices in your fashion consumption to protect the environment and promote a sustainable lifestyle.